Whitney Mattocks

Commented on post was deleted

Nov 30 at 10:27 PM

Sooooo pretty

Nov 18 at 03:42 PM

And to follow up on this - If you’re told you have dense breasts during your mammogram you may benefit from an additional ultrasound since it’s harder to find things when your breasts are dense. Some states are required to tell you if your breast are dense but some aren’t. Ask your dr If you have more questions. I had a friendly ultrasound tech clue me in.

Nov 16 at 05:11 PM

Love how you are listening to your body Marisol!!! I was so stressed last challenge and even started out this way for board one and then once I realized there was no way I could do life + 60 workouts it was so freeing! Now it feels more fun to do an M/body Vs a chore. Let’s celebrate everyone’s boards no matter what they look like!!

Commented on Halloween Fun

Nov 01 at 11:12 PM

Glad you had such a fun night!

Commented on T-Swift Class!!

Oct 31 at 01:01 PM

The Taylor class was the best!!!

Commented on Class Requests

Oct 31 at 01:00 PM

I love 45 min classes. Those are definitely my sweet spot so would love more of those. And I would love a good holiday music themed class :)

Oct 30 at 04:04 PM

100% my new favorite. As a huge Taylor fan this class was epic!!! Thank you so much Marnie for making this for us!!!

Replied on Small World!

Oct 29 at 12:57 PM

I didn’t know there were any MBody fam in Portland! Where do you live @Cara? I’m in NW Portland near Forest Heights

Commented on Swifties Unite

Oct 28 at 12:44 PM

I cannot wait! Except my daughter’s last soccer game is tomorrow at 10 🙈🙈🙈 going to have to join in from the soccer field to at least watch!! Already shared my songs on IG but might have to send in a few batches!

Oct 23 at 10:20 AM

I feel like we need a full Taylor Swift class!!