Lauren Noble

Jan 28 at 06:16 PM

20-30 minutes are ideal for me. My favorites are standing core, barre sculpt, and dance cardio workouts!
So excited for this. I've been off the mat for far too long for a variety of reasons - aiming to get myself back into it and do 30/60 workouts!

Jun 26 at 06:06 AM

Just added you!

Jun 25 at 07:11 AM


Jun 25 at 07:10 AM

I probably won't post a lot either, but hoping it'll help me get back my motivation back! The end of the school year and start of summer through me off my routine!

Replied on Barre opinions

Apr 25 at 11:51 AM

I didn't expect to have such a hard time deciding, but anything will be an improvement from my current situation!

Replied on Barre opinions

Apr 24 at 04:48 AM


Replied on Barre opinions

Apr 23 at 03:12 PM

Thank you! Mirrors are definitely happening. What barre do you have in case I choose portable? I'm also tall.

Replied on Barre opinions

Apr 23 at 03:12 PM

Thank you, I will do that!

Commented on Barre wall update

Mar 25 at 03:58 AM

This is beautiful! We're about to finish our basement and installing a barre is on the list- will have to remember the stair rail. That's genius!!