Rachel Dueck


May 10 at 12:51 PM

Well this is a bit late but I managed to do 40/45 days at the end of the 60 days. So I gave myself an extra week to finish it up and I’ve now hit 45, yay!

My biggest goal in this challenge was to give myself GRACE as I entered this challenge in my third trimester of pregnancy. It was so good to keep moving, and my midwife actually commented on how I’ve managed to stay toned and fit during my pregnancy to which I believe m/body and this challenge was a HUGE help with!

I may not have abs to show from this challenge 😂, but I’m so grateful for the health it brought my heart, body and BABY!

Thanks to all of you who inspired me through your posts and encouragement! I didn’t end up posting much, but I found myself so encouraged by your journey’s. It really helped me to get those workouts in 💪🏻.

Also, well done to everyone who completed the challenge, you are ALL amazing! 🤍



Mar 06 at 03:56 PM

Happy Day TWO of the challenge everyone!

I’m super impressed by the dedicatation everyone has expressed for the challenge. As well as the beautiful words and encouragement many of you have shared!

Every part of me wants to commit to the full 60 days, but part of this season for me is learning to listen and honor my body, and the new life that is being formed inside of it.

So I’m going to do the 45 day challenge instead and am committed to giving myself lots of grace along the way.

I’m sure many of you can relate to how being 25 weeks pregnant REALLY makes you aware of your body and it’s needs 😂.

However instead of being discouraged by the changes in energy or size, I’m so hoping to cultivate an attitude of gratitude during this challenge for my body, and the amazing work it is doing!

Well that’s my novel for today! 😂

Sending so much love to everyone doing the challenge! You’ve got this! 🤍