Anja H

The Hague, Netherlands


Nov 15 at 04:10 AM

I wanted to share a „song“ with all you. It always reminds me of our community and I think it would be a great song to add to an ending.

Have a great day Fam!



Aug 29 at 06:14 AM

I was wondering if it’s possible to play a song from kylie Minogue in tomorrows live, as a birthday gift to me 🥳🎉 as I turn fabulous 32 tomorrow and I can’t wait to work out with you all. ❤️



Aug 16 at 10:14 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Not gonna lie, the last 15days were pretty hard, especially as so much has happend at work. But I am so proud of myself that I kept my commitment to myself. ☺️ I wanna say thank you to all of you beautiful women, I have to say it is so amazing to be part of this community



Jul 05 at 03:02 AM

Hi Fam,

The titles already gives it away, but can you recommend any books? I decided to cancel all my supscriptions and read in the evening inseatd of watching senseless tv shows.

So I thought I simply ask you 😊

Oh I read almost everything except Crime or horro books but feel free to recommend anything maybe someone else will love it.



Jun 18 at 10:12 PM

Hi Fam, so wonderful to read all of your goals, here are mine:

  1. Complete all 60Days of the challenge, as proof that I can do it and as a commitment to myself.

  2. Finish 3 courses in my seminar for work and pass the exam

  3. Be kind to myself



May 13 at 08:06 AM

Hello Fam,

I usually wouldn’t share this because I don’t wanna come across as attention seeking. But this morning I was on my bike and got hit by a car. I was very lucky because I all have is a minor bruise on my leg, nothing serious and that’s it, my bike didn’t got that lucky. However in moments like this, you realise, it could have taken a different turn. What I wanna say, enjoy every moment today, hug each person a bit longer than usually, say I love you and take care of each other. Do the things you always wanted to do and don’t postpone it to later. Be grateful for what you have. ❤️❤️❤️



Jun 07 at 01:55 AM

Hello to all the wonderful beautiful Women and Men of M/Body,

I am a M/Body Fan for a whole year now and I Love how much it changed my mindest and the way I feel about my body.

Im sure, we all went trough some though times the last years. I had my breaking point couple of months ago, I felt stuck at my job and was pretty unhappy with where I was at the moment. Luckily the 60 days challenge started and it really changed my life.

I loved reading all your messages at the community board and how encouraging you guys all were. Im sure, we can all agree that Marnie always finds the right words in her workouts like “ it doesn’t matter how fast we go as long as it is in the right direction” and there was on particular one about change but I can’t remember it correctly right now ( I’m sorry)

Long story short, i took all my courage and decided to change my situation, i quit my job and applied for a new ones and making a dream of mine come true.

I got a wonderful new job in a new city.

I’m excited to move to Amsterdam 🥳

Here is where I could use your help:

I’m currently looking for a flat and was hoping if someone could maybe post this in the FB group ( I don’t have FB and I feel like a new account will come off as a fake one and not trust worthy) so if someone is living the Netherlands and knows someone who knows someone, who is looking for a tenant that I could connect with them.

Even if they can’t help me with finding a flat, I still would love to meet and connect with you guys there, as we have one thing already in common our love for M/Body. 😊

I’m Anja, 30 years old and currently living in Düsseldorf Germany.

My insta name is anjaheidi

Thank you guys for your help and I wish everyone a wonderful day. ❤️