Jessica Davis

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Jul 30 at 06:21 PM

I remember that Megan! They’re the best aren’t they? I’ve grown up with the breed

Replied on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Jul 30 at 05:49 PM

Come to Minnesota you guys! 😊

Replied on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Jul 30 at 05:39 PM

Totally taking you up on the offer next time I find myself in Texas 🩷

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Jul 30 at 05:39 PM

He loves a good warm up shake out haha 😂

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Jul 30 at 07:50 AM

🤗 thanks Beata

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Jul 30 at 07:50 AM

How’re you doing Mary-Ellen, always love hearing from you. How’s Toronto??

Commented on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Jul 30 at 07:49 AM

Oh my gosh! This brings me so much joy, wish I was there!

Replied on 7/29 live class

Jul 29 at 10:48 AM

🩷 hope you’re having a great summer

Replied on Question

Jul 29 at 10:47 AM

Vacation sounds like a blast, travel anywhere fun? I’m going to do a different one today too! Let me know which one you go with I might join you 😉

Commented on Question

Jul 29 at 10:32 AM

Hey! No live today!