Jessica Davis

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Aug 02 at 12:03 PM

My husband is originally from MN! Mary-Ellen you are welcome here any time, I would love to show you around 🥰

Commented on Happy August!

Aug 02 at 10:13 AM

Happy belated birthday and congratulations Cathy!!! 🥰

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Aug 02 at 08:05 AM

Cass! Hope you’re having an awesome summer!! 🤗💚

Aug 02 at 08:04 AM

Congrats Jess!! I’m right there with you. Discovered Marnie on pop sugar during lockdown and was so excited to find out she had an online platform! Can’t wait for many more years to come with you and the M/BODY fam! 🩷🩷

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Aug 01 at 08:48 AM

😉hugs Jess 😘

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Jul 31 at 05:42 PM

Sha, you totally spotted his summer digs haha!!! I will 100% pass on the love 😊

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Jul 31 at 07:01 AM

Quill says hi back! Hope you’re having a great day mayo 🍵💚 I gotta visit you one day! 🇯🇵

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Jul 30 at 06:48 PM

The smoke has been crazy right? My family lives in Saskatchewan (that’s where I’m from) and I’ve been hearing about how bad it is from them all summer :( I’ve heard of Stratford, sounds lovely to be spending time with friends. This summer is flying by for me in Minnesota. I’ve been trying to spend time outdoors and hike and paddle board. Do you ever drive down to MN from Ontario?

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Jul 30 at 06:21 PM

I remember that Megan! They’re the best aren’t they? I’ve grown up with the breed

Replied on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Jul 30 at 05:49 PM

Come to Minnesota you guys! 😊