
Dec 20 at 08:20 AM

oh Ems : I’m so very sorry : I am proud of the 7 week momentum you have created! Swimming is one of my most favorite things to do : it’s so restorative / and peaceful … I hope there is a magical healing…. You are powerful and beautiful : healing energy to you now and always

Dec 11 at 08:34 AM

Thank you! I love that you pulled these for us Linds! You’re the best !!!!


Dec 06 at 01:55 PM

Sending extra love


Dec 05 at 09:31 AM

Kon nichiwa Mayo! What beautiful photos : Hai! So serene and peaceful ~ and thank you for sharing! I am so happy you love the classes and even of you are not “live” with us / please know we send you love and think of you and infuse the class with extra joy! Just for you!! I can’t wait to do to Japan .. it’s a part of my destiny : I feel

It . I think what I love more and more is peace…. It’s such a great feeling

I love 4 seasons too : it makes every day so magical and truly exciting

Happy holidays!!! Xoxoox

Dec 02 at 09:58 AM

Healing vibez Jenny G:

I’m grateful you are taking good care of yourself

We will be here when ya feel better

May it be soon

Healing hugs 🥰

Nov 25 at 11:10 AM

This class is so full of happiness!

Nov 21 at 08:48 AM

She is the essence of a fairy! How enchanting !! Thank you for sharing so cute!!


Nov 14 at 01:48 PM

Hi lovely Mayo : 💜

Some thinga that work for me :

Excedrin migraine


Yoga : Pranayama breathing

Big hugs 🌸🌺🌸


Commented on I’ve Graduated!

Nov 10 at 12:17 PM

Congratulations!!! Woo woo

Nov 10 at 12:16 PM

Hey Lauren! So much love in this pic! So adorable!
