
Jul 04 at 10:06 AM

~. deliciously empowering : the bar work was a great repreive from the floor work :  the bar is so masterful :  this hot pink was made for you :  I love the metaphor of salt water healing :  you are a teacher of all teachers : what an absolute Gift to gave the good karma to meet you and be your student, friend, adorer, cheerleader 

Jul 04 at 07:51 AM

Big love to you!!!! I am so grateful for you and your light!! You are a star! Hope you have a beautiful peaceful day!!!

Jul 04 at 07:50 AM

Wow … that is so true.. for me as well … it means a lot that we are not alone on the voyage of life! Thank you for sharing!

Jul 04 at 07:48 AM

Yay!!! Proud of you!

Replied on Grateful for

Jul 04 at 07:47 AM

That is so true!!! The mornings contain magic do t they? 💜

Commented on Grateful for

Jul 04 at 07:47 AM

What’ a peaceful view!!! The good life !!! Yay!! An art festival too!!! Dream!!!!

Jul 04 at 07:41 AM

Ooopsies ! 🥰My apologies for the above message meant as a reply to Beata : I’m gonna blame it on my lack of coffe ! Which I just now have : after my daily lemon water : I adore this challenge!!!! Why do I love it you ask? I love it coz: everyone here is so beautiful and bad ass and wonderful and fills me up and …. We’ll probably the most imperator thing isi feel safe to be here : which is kinda a big deal : I love the just wake up and do it and check it off gearification : for a thinker : like me :trusting the path aka calander : is huge!! I love that I feel held and loved and free! What? Freedom like our new theme??!! Hell yeah! Freedom in my own skin …ok… slowly quietly steps in that direction… is my destination…. To feel comfy in my skin …. Tears of gratitude are swelling in my heart … freedom! For all of us !! Adore you all! A comsic hug received ! And returned with a kiss! And a smile!

Jul 04 at 07:27 AM

My sweetest!! Lying on your back in 20 minutes of silence sounds like that is what you need. Trust that is enough 💜and when your mind wonders : Just follow your breath as if it was the most interesting/ sexy thing in the world :I like to focus in the cool air on the top of my nostril as it comes in …and the warmer pair as it flows out : I find that when we slow down intentionally : it makes an effect on our outer world : and oddly : ok very oddly!! Coz is makes no sense : you find you have more time~ But just be reminded warrior soul : this is a season’ coz I my season of life now full of absolute … kinda embarrasingly so : devastatingly so ; ……crickets ! Not even my parents want to see me🤣nothing going on😂. It’s a season and I wish I could trade just for 1 day rhe glorious rush of too much to Do! I close with Rumi : Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor 💜 sending you a cup of amazing coffee and a huge eternal hug!

Jul 03 at 12:42 PM

This was really challenging for inner thighs were super awakened aka crying lol the slow ballet at the end was  beautiful and peaceful..felt my ballerina strength and elegance rise up and command :  also mentally ..felt very hushedddddddd and safe 

Commented on Delight & Gratitute

Jul 03 at 09:11 AM

Can I just say I love the red light! So dramatic !!!!!