
Jul 29 at 08:33 AM

No way!! That is so fabulous!! Fun!! Love brunch! Beautiful pix!! ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค

Jul 28 at 06:12 AM

Thank you for these sweet pix Heidi! I had such big emotions about Barbie - and a lot of fear based emotions regarding a doll .. which will one day be funny ๐Ÿ˜„ or lighter โ€˜ so thank you for sharing these images : they help me to see how much love and happiness a doll can bring : you and your partner are so gorgeous! As is your family! Looks like you had a lot of fun!! And silliness which I adore! And I also love hot pink!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

Jul 27 at 05:08 AM

this class .. wow so so healiing .. thank you goddess girl you are so everything to meย 

Jul 25 at 08:17 AM

I canโ€™t wait for class!!! ๐Ÿ’•

Commented on Beaver island

Jul 21 at 06:55 AM

Looks beautiful!!!!! Did you fly the plane?

Commented on Peaceful music

Jul 19 at 12:26 PM

I love listening to Krishna Das for peaceful times : I close my eyes and start to sway and feel full of love and peace : the sitar is an amazing instrument. โ€ฆ Mozart I love but he gets me too excited some how : I start waltzing in my mind ๐Ÿฅฐ

Jul 18 at 01:19 PM

So cool!! Thanks for sharing! I can almost feel the balmy tropical air and hear the steel drums playing! Thank you for the pic!!

Jul 18 at 08:14 AM

Merci ma belle! Feel the love!

Commented on post was deleted

Jul 17 at 03:12 PM
