Jocelyn Estrada


Jul 04 at 10:45 PM

Reaching out in gratitud for being part of this challenge.

It really helps to built consistency and mindfulness.

Yesterday I got to revisit the M/<20 Ballet Sculpt/ 182 and Marnie asked a question at the end of class -What is blooming in your life these days?- I thought about this flower that I get to see blooming each year it just happened to open its petals up with perfect timing.

And then I thought

-May my petals be open to every season of life and come back stronger each time-

Sharing that wish with all of you guys!



Jun 20 at 07:26 PM

Hi everyone! Some of you might know me, some might get to know me.

Coming back to this beautiful platform after being away a couple months.

Excited to see all the new faces as well as the OG members again.

Just wanted to share my goals with you all and wish you a happy challenge.



Dec 06 at 07:54 PM

You didn’t come this far to only come this far

It reminds me that there is so much more to explore when it comes to movement and also in life. 🪷



Apr 03 at 03:18 PM

I did yesterday’s live today. And decided to share this mallow plant as my something beautiful. I love how wildly it grows and the color of its flowers.