Jessica Burton

Dallas, TX, United States

Jul 12 at 07:54 AM

Wow! What an adventure! Love having you back though❣️✨


Jul 01 at 09:35 AM

Holy buckets of sweat badassery 💦💪🙌✨ 💦

Jun 29 at 06:57 AM

One of my all time favorites is Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh- it truly is a gift! So much wisdom!✨

Another is The Aviator’s Wife, which is a historical fiction about Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s life. She was an incredible person!

Jun 28 at 12:16 PM

Loved this! So different and playful!

Does anyone have the sweet message at the end written down and willing to share?!💖


Jun 20 at 08:32 PM

Awww yay!! Congrats Fanni❣️ Listen to your body- it’s different the second time around!


Jun 17 at 10:54 AM

Dallas, TX please 😘

Jun 14 at 09:06 AM

Finally got to this- LOVED!! It’s been a while since I’ve attempted a 60 minute class and I’m feeling VERY proud of my badass warrior self right now💪✨🙌 So many changes kept it fresh and it went by really quick!! Do this class you’ll feel amazing❣️


Jun 03 at 01:38 PM

I love every bit of this Megan ✨✨ you’ve GOT to do what brings you joy and you’re accomplishing this on so many levels 👏👏❣️

May 25 at 03:48 PM

This workout space is gorgeous 🤩🙌✨

May 25 at 01:29 PM


In Milwaukee at my best friend’s house for her 40th birthday celebration- my best friend since I was 9 years old & the person who introduced me to Marnie during COVID ✨❣️ Everytime we’re together we do an M/Body workout and it’s greatness‼️💪🥰
