Jessica Burton

Dallas, TX, United States


Aug 11 at 04:37 AM

Has anyone experienced the pain of tennis elbow? It started for me a few weeks ago and has gotten worse. I nanny for an 8 month old who loves to be held, which I know is most likely the culprit, but that’s my livelihood so I need to find relief! It’s also cutting into which m/body workouts I’m able to do which is frustrating! If anyone has advice on things that have been helpful to them I’d greatly appreciate it!!



Jul 16 at 09:47 AM

On vacation with my fam and I’ve created a great balance of relaxing and still doing workouts- not every day but enough that I feel good and strong ❣️💪 Love that I can take this platform anywhere- even Port Aransas,TX with its spotty Wi-Fi connection- thank you download feature🙌🏖✨



Jun 11 at 12:30 PM

Just finished my workout for today and by the end of it I had my dog (who ALWAYS hangs with me during workouts ❣️) but also both my boys here with me💙💙

Love that this is such a big part of my life, and theirs as well! They know that workout time is Mommy’s time and I love that they have me the extra support today 🥹🥰



May 12 at 06:17 PM

I’ve been having a kind of down, hard on myself day today and my M/body pop up just came through and said “be gentle with yourself” … JUST what I needed to hear ❣️🙌 This platform never ceases to amaze me🥰



Mar 31 at 12:25 PM

This has been the first challenge I’ve decided to do that I haven’t been 100% in… and I’ve found IT’S OK! I’ve had multiple house guests recently that I haven’t seen for almost 2 years so I’ve missed multiple workouts BUT I know that time together was SO important! Felt great getting back on the mat today after a few days off- it always does💪 Just wanted to remind anyone who needs to hear it that ANY day you get on the mat is a win 👏👏❣️



Mar 21 at 02:07 PM

I remember doing this one live and thinking “oh good it’s just a 20 minute workout” holy moly was I wrong! This workout is killer and amazing! Felt the same way doing it today 💪💪



Mar 05 at 11:09 AM

Feeling great after day 1! Welcome new challengers- it’s the BEST!! This is me and my “barre” aka our super old piano😊