Jessica Burton

Dallas, TX, United States


Aug 01 at 07:43 AM

Celebrating my 3 year M/Body anniversary today- hard to believe we were in the midst of lockdown 3 years ago… M/Body and that first 60 day challenge kept me healthy and sane and I’m forever grateful to this platform 🥰

Any other original challengers celebrating your 3 year anniversary today?!



Jul 29 at 11:31 AM

Finally got around to the Barbie workout- so fun!! I missed the live but I’m always up for a theme so I rocked my pink and purple workout clothes🩷💜 This is definitely not a workout you want to miss💖💓💕



Jul 17 at 04:43 PM

Hi fam… this past weekend was one of the toughest of my life. I flew home to be with one of my oldest friends during the funeral of her husband. He died tragically on July 4th after rescuing some kiddos on a tube and ended up drowning 💔 It has shaken me to my core. My friend is not yet 40 with 3 small children. The funeral was tough but also cathartic- this man was so incredible with SUCH a positive attitude on life! It’s inspiring! Wanted to share some of his words that have resonated very deeply with me.

As a survivor of the 61st floor of tower 2 on 9/11 he later wrote

“I encourage all of us to count our blessings each and every day. Give of yourself and expect nothing in return. And become part of something that is greater than yourself.”

I feel we embody all of these things here on this platform and I plan to embrace his words and those ideas even more moving forward. Life is precious. This experience for me is an urgent call to love hard. ❣️



Jun 21 at 08:17 PM

I’ve been pushing myself for a 5 times per week workout schedule this month- with many of y’all joining in✨🙌- but I couldn’t achieve it this week…

We went camping for Father’s Day weekend and then I had to work… leaving me without enough time to get in all 5…

I was actually really bummed about it until my sweet, supportive, amazing hubby reminded me “babe, Marnie would be happy you spent time with your family and you have been killing it with your workouts all month- give yourself a break” and all I could think was HOW MUCH this beautiful platform has infiltrated my home oh so much! They hear all the incredible things that happen during my workouts and it shows 🥰 Thank you for this space✨✨❣️❣️



Jun 11 at 12:01 PM

Just finished the 3 year anniversary workout for day 1of 5 this week- that video at the end🙌😭❣️ Sorry I missed that- but thank you Marnie and M/Body team! This is my happy place 😘

Who’s is for 5 days this week?? I’m having so much fun with y’all😁

And like the picture says

“life is tough my darling, but so are you”

Let’s kick ass this week💪💪💪



Jun 02 at 09:13 AM

Beata, Emily P, Emily J, Chantale & Jenny G how’s the 5 day/ week challenge going?! I just finished day 5 and I’m feeling pretty badass 😎💪

Knowing y’all are in this with me has really helped this week 🙌✨❣️



May 27 at 12:52 PM

Ok fam I’m putting out there to hold myself accountable this summer! My goal is 5 workouts per week 💪 I’m home with my boys all summer so I know it’s doable! Anyone is welcome to join me on this goal ✨❣️



Apr 06 at 02:47 PM

Life has been hectic lately but the past week I’ve made a point to no matter what get a workout in! Many days that means one of the 10 minute videos but even with those I ALWAYS feel better afterwards! Marnie and M/body team hoping you might drop a few more 10 minute workouts at some point😁🤞🙏🏻



Mar 13 at 06:49 PM

My pics aren’t uploading lately- let’s try again…



Mar 13 at 06:13 PM

Had a great moment with my 9 year old while hiking the Grand Canyon today 💙 If you ever get the chance to visit DO IT!! We both had our phones out taking pictures along the way- his phone isn’t actually a phone but he’s able to take photos on it. I told him to get the photos but also take time to just ENJOY the beauty around us!! We saw so many people putting themselves in horribly dangerous situations out on cliffs for “the Insta shot “ I’m personally not a fan of social media because of these situations- among other things! But I verbalize my sentiments towards social media and my son asked “Well Mommy what about Marnie’s social media you do?” So I explained to him that Marnie created our very own special space that only we can go as part of the M/Body fam… he replied “Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense! I like that!” Smart guy😊 Anyway felt proud of this community and how much it’s always an impact on my life even when I’m not on the mat ❣️💪✨