You are so right mama! Of course that sweet nugget wins! In a blink of an eye you’ll be celebrating her first bday🥺 Enjoy those sweet snuggles while you can ✨✨
Just catching up on the challenge- this one was powerful! So sweaty! The end was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes 🥹ALSO! All you Oct 1 bdays🥳🥳 That’s my wedding anniversary and it was my grandparent’s as well🥰 special day!! ✨❣️
He IS so wise 🥰 Thanks Jess! It truly helps me so much to have all my buddies on here✨ I got off social media about a year ago so this is it for me- and honestly this is the BEST kind of social media in my opinion ❣️💪💃
I have been doing M/body for 3 years and I still have good days and bad days…sometimes I’m jumping around like a 15 year old and some days I have to draaaaag myself to the mat BUT without fail I ALWAYS feel better after a workout 💯💯 listen to your body and know that Marnie is just a guide… this is YOUR workout! I highly encourage sticking with it though! I’m amazed at the physical and mental strength I’ve gained from this platform✨✨
Commented on Mama Life vs. Workout Life
Jun 23 at 12:47 PM