Melissa Piszczako

Sep 20 at 02:35 PM

Ask Lindsey!!! She made me mel playlist for gentler classes to ease back into after my C-section in June!! I started around 10 weeks or so when I felt like I was tolerating brisker walks better! Congrats on Ilia!

Commented on Sleeping Fur Baby

Nov 21 at 09:22 AM

My dog is named Koda too!!!!!

Nov 15 at 04:36 PM

😍😍😭😭😭😭everyone has been so amazing and so kind during this crazy storm of infertility.. The world definitely feels a lot more beautiful these last few days. Thanks for always standing by me and with me and for the love and congratulations! Truly the best fam!!! 💗💗💗

Nov 14 at 05:30 PM

So freaking excited!!!❤️❤️❤️



Nov 14 at 02:54 PM

Hey friends!!! I have been absent for the last couple of months thanks to my lovely IVF schedule. With that being said…after struggling with infertility for over 2 years, multiple medicated cycles, 3 failed IUI’s, a miscarriage, an IVF journey…on October 22, we transferred a 1AA (perfectly graded) genetically tested single euploid embryo. IT WORKED!!! Today we got to see our growing bean! Baby P’s heart is beating, they are measuring perfectly and I am officially due July 9, 2024. While we do know the gender thanks to genetic testing, we’re going to keep that close for a few more weeks!
While I have been missing you all dearly, I am so anxious, once cleared, to slowly work my way back in with a M|Body mini in the making!! I can’t wait for my belly to grow and my body to do it’s thing for this little one!
Thank you all for your support always and I am so excited to finally share this AMAZING news!


Commented on EGG RETRIEVAL

Sep 06 at 10:09 AM

Thanks friends!! 💗💗💗


Sep 03 at 08:39 AM

I just wanted to share here what’s been going on in my life these days…I’ve had to take a step away from working out and M|Body throughout our IVF process. Today was our egg retrieval! Our cycle almost got canceled Monday night and by Tuesday had completely turned around. Today we made it to egg retrieval, a day we weren’t certain was going to come this cycle.
24 beautiful, perfect eggs were retrieved. We’ll know how many fertilized tomorrow and how many embryos we’ll have sent for testing by next weekend.
Send us all the baby dust and light! 💗💗💗


Apr 19 at 11:40 AM

I have a booty kicker off Amazon! Runs right at 100$!!

Commented on Hi friends!! 💗

Mar 14 at 11:20 AM



Mar 13 at 03:12 PM

I’ve been a little absent lately, wisdom teeth surgery, other major life events, but I could use some love and positive vibes. I haven’t been able to make it to the mat and probably won’t for a little longer and I just need a good positive mental distraction and some familiar faces.

I love and miss you all!!
