Annie Kee


Dec 13 at 12:46 PM

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I completed 49/60 during an insanely busy season at work. I would have gotten 50 but was snowed in with my entire company in Big Bear this weekend. Still. I'm stunned at what I did, and can't wait to do even more during the next challenge. Prioritizing time to do these workouts has been a game-changer and something I will not give up.



Dec 07 at 04:16 PM

That Marnie released another board all the way through New Year's Eve, except the format was all wrong and it was hard to read and I was stressed that I wasn't going to be able to do it with everything that's going on! ... It's been a long week.



Dec 03 at 10:07 AM

Let go, or be dragged. Working on this one constantly.



Nov 04 at 09:27 AM

You think three months isn't that long a time for you to grow, but I just journaled and realized A LOT HAS CHANGED! How about you?



Oct 20 at 11:17 AM

I had ambitions to sit outside during the sunniest part of the day, typically mid-morning, but my work schedule didn't exactly cooperate, then I felt self-conscious about being outside because my patio is pretty visible to my neighbors. I decided I'd sit in the sun like a housecat (inside). Closed my eyes for 5 minutes, then sat up, counting the minutes (can you tell I'm not good at just SITTING?), ultimately did some therapeutic breathing and then finally relaxed just as the 15 minutes were up. I actually had a therapist "prescribe" me to sit in silence for 5 minutes a day once. Maybe I should get back to that...



Oct 18 at 02:33 PM

Just completed the Standing Core Dance and added the Stretch Flow and feel GREAT!



Oct 16 at 02:01 PM

  1. Work on flexibility, especially my left leg.

  2. Incorporate high impact options at least once each workout, instead of never.

  3. Work on breath, mindfulness, and presence in and out of workouts!



Oct 15 at 08:26 AM

Hi fam!! So excited about the challenge but have to work this morning. I'll jump in tomorrow but wanted to say hi to you all! See you on the boards and FB!