Lizamary Sanchez-Molina

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /1

Dec 28 at 12:04 PM

Love this ”getting started” packet!!! You won’t regret it!

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /1

Dec 28 at 11:50 AM

I love love you!!!

Dec 16 at 02:48 PM

Hopefully everything will get back to normal soon..we are here for you!!


Dec 15 at 02:36 PM

Hi beautiful family!!! I’m Lizamary some of you know me some of you don’t, for those that don’t know me I’m from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 living life in Florida!!! I have a beautiful family 2 kids a girl Antonella and a boy Nelson Antonio. If you have been here for a minute you might heard Antonella’s name in some of the LIVES. She wants to take Danni’s job lol.

This is my challenge number 6 or 7 not sure but I’m a member of M/Body since June 2000. Like many of you I discovered Marnie in one of the video of POPSUGAR and instant love. I did those videos like 50 times before I joined the tribe at the time that I join it was like 4or5 videos that the platform had, but I was so happy.

My kids love Marnie and Danni and my husband love them too, we are fans…lol

I take very serious all the challenges that M/Body does, but this one was tough, hard and raw, not because of the workout, one of the reasons was exhaustation as simple as that!!

This one was an email that I sent to Marnie.

(Hello my girls!!!

Like Marnie says “it’s been a minute” since my sweat sesh selfies, or post about my workouts on IG. I have been doing the workouts as my best of my abilities. I’m doing 30 or 45 minutes workouts just because that’s what at this moment fits in my life. This challenge, my number 6th it hit me different in many ways. Juggling between my work, home, being a momma, a wife, friend, extracurricular activities, getting ready for this coming season; I’m feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how to manage so many things at the same time.

I’m feeling empty, (not supposed to feel that way) or am I allow to feel this way?

I’m meditating, writing in my journal and I’m reading motivational books. Nothing at this point is helping. Sometimes I feel that I was in my best during the pandemic (even tough I almost ended up in a psychiatric hospital lol) until I found you.

Just to let you know that I’m doing all my challenge activities and show on the mat even though I cry for 20 or 45 minutes trying to hide those tears from my babies or in my best days I complete the workout!!

I’m a little ashamed writing this because I’m the one who loves to cheer and motivate all my M/BODY global family!!!

Only Beáta and Monique are the only ones who know how I’m feeling because the reach out to me. These girls are gem. This family is everything.

Thank you for taking your time to read this!! Love you so much!!!)

Well I received the most beautiful message from Marnie and that message gave peace and joy.

(Sweetest Girl,

Thank you for writing such a vulnerable, honest and powerful email. Once again you are showing up heart first and I admire you so damn much! The fact that you are feeling empty and able to express it is important. YES! Of course you are always allowed to feel anything, Emotions give us important information and we get to choose how to use it. You chose to connect and grow from it, and that is one of the million reasons you're so amazing.

It sounds like you might be dealing with burnout/exhaustion. I don't know how you couldn't be with all you're carrying! Please be gentle with yourself. Keep doing the self-care activities, reading books that inspire you, writing in your journal and moving your body. Don't feel like this has to take all your time either. You only need to do even 5 mins of each, but do it daily.

When you get to the mat, give yourself permission to spend that time the way you feel you need to on that given day. If you do at least 5 mins of a class, consider it a victory. Let the workouts remind you of your strength or even just to tune into yourself. If the tears come, let them flow. Salt water heals all. You are evolving and healing and that growth takes time (it happens millimeters not miles like we say). Just keep connecting with people who remind you to keep dreaming and who lift you up!

This challenge probably feels different because you're ready to be challenged in these new ways. I am so proud of you for all you've done to get here and where you're going. You have so many people who are right here for you. I'm so grateful for you and love you so much!

Please keep reaching out to all of us. We want to be here for you like you're always there for us!

Love, Marnie xo)

I’m sharing this with you because is important to know that we are not alone. That we need some times to lean on someone. (which for me is hard)

That we are not less or weak if we ask for help!!! Even super heroes need to rest so do we!!!

Love you my beautiful fam!!!


Nov 15 at 03:13 PM

Hola!!! I’m Lizamary originally from beautiful Puerto Rico 🇵🇷!!! Leaving since 2006 in Florida USA!!! Being a member of M/Body since 2020. Loved this cardio dance and everything that Marnie does!!!

Commented on Playing Catch Up!

Nov 12 at 01:26 PM

This photo is so beautiful and peaceful!!

Commented on M/<30 INNER THIGH /228

Oct 19 at 04:43 PM

Oh Marnie, if tomorrow I’m not able to walk it would be because of you!!! My thighs are screaming!!! Loved this workout!! We need more of this!!!

Oct 15 at 12:02 PM

Congratulations!! She's perfect!!!

Sweet Megan!!! Thank you for sharing this story!!! You are brave and you did what it was best for you!!! As a formal teacher, I was in the teaching career for almost 20 years…seeing so many changes for us teacher and more responsibilities it was stressful!!! i was lucky enough to had an opportunity to work for the same district as an ESE Specialist and don’t work in the classroom anymore, it was hard for me but it was time because my kids needed me more, so I get you and I admire you!!!

Oct 14 at 03:03 PM

Love love love this!!!