
Youngstown, OH, United States


May 27 at 02:54 PM

5 months in of everyday with M/body. Even if it is 10 min, a meditation, or a full on workout, I have hit the mat. Moving through extraordinary grief is hard, but movement helps. Thank you Marnie for creating this core program. I love that I found this 4 years ago. I love you for all you do. I love this community of support. Peace, love, bugs, and prayers to all. Keep moving, be in the light.



Apr 13 at 06:52 PM

Missed the live but got to watch this amazing kid dance with her team today instead. I love watching her dance and do M/body with me when she has time. Never stop moving. Dance even if you think you can't. Keep moving. Be in the light!


Mar 16 at 05:58 AM

What a year this has already been. I lost my mom at the end of January. I was her care giver, as her and my father lived with us. She was my mom, my best friend, and best grandma to my kids. This has been a pain unlike any other, but I made a promise to her and myself that I would commit to being as healthy and strong as I could this year. So I gave my self the 365 days of m/body challenge. One workout a day even if it is only 10 minutes, everyday. So far I am 76 days into it and it really helps. So many emotions being released, muscles being challenged, as well as my mind. I am so beyond grateful for Marnie and what she has created. I have been doing M/body for almost 4 years and it always keep me on my toes. To all those hurting, suffering, feeling lonely, or in pain, know you are not alone. This group is amazing for support and kindness. This to shall pass. Bright days are ahead. Be in the light!



Oct 04 at 10:19 AM

I haven't been able to see today's live. Did I miss something?? Wrong day??



Sep 06 at 06:53 AM

Hey all. I could use some prayers for my shoulder. My doctor believes my rotator cuff is messed up. Getting xrays and figuring it out but I use this arm a lot. I take care of my mom, who lives with us, because she is left side paralyzed after a massive stroke. This is my lifting arm. Any prayers, tips, advice on how to heal faster, or help it would be so appreciated. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š Love and light, Leslie



Aug 24 at 01:36 PM

This little girl almost quit her dancing because of the awful words of an adult. She works so hard and wants to go to Julliard someday. I can't believe that people can be so nasty. She however did not quit and has turned her hurt into drive. She loves watching me do the m/body workouts and that Marnie is a dancer. It has given her more hope and happiness to see this. She love seeing the post and all th motivation. So thank you to this community for helping even when you didn't know you were.



Aug 12 at 10:59 AM

What a work out!! Great way to gear up for our wedding anniversary. 17 years!!!!



Aug 10 at 10:57 AM

I am so grateful for this platform. It helps me to keep on going with my workouts. The scale is not my friend but through this practice I know that doesn't matter. I can see muscular changes because of what Marnie teaches. I have learned so much and continue to in ways I never had. I have been an athlete for years and never knew someone this information. I have been battling hip injuries and issues for 2 and a half years but staying consistent with M/body has helped me gain strength and mobility I lost. I can do things now that I was unable to do for a long time. It gives me growing hope. Thank you to this wonderful group and platform. Thank you Marnie for keeping this going and growing. So much love โค๏ธ Leslie



May 03 at 04:40 AM

When you are having a rough day and got bad news, what do you do? You hug your puppy. Sharing some love of the fur baby and my baby for anyone else who needs a hug.



Apr 29 at 05:55 AM

Fur baby hanging in the ๐ŸŒž