Becca Henry

Thank you for sharing your story!!! We can do hard things! You did it!

Commented on Change of Goals!

Apr 19 at 07:48 AM

Thank you ladies for all your kind words! You inspire me to keep going!!!

Commented on New Rhythm

Apr 18 at 10:01 PM

Thank you for sharing this. I can also relate! But I am so happy when I do make it to that mat, it makes it even more special!

Apr 18 at 09:58 PM

Love you! Welcome back!

Commented on I did it!

Apr 18 at 10:31 AM

Way to go!!!

Apr 17 at 09:43 AM

Love this class so much!

Commented on Back in the game

Apr 14 at 06:37 PM

Glad to hear youโ€™re doing better!

Commented on Letting Go

Apr 13 at 02:34 PM


Apr 12 at 03:25 PM

Love this!

Commented on Celebrating!

Apr 12 at 03:24 PM

Yay! Warrior Status โœ”๏ธ