Sowanny Mooney

Austin, TX, United States

Commented on M/<20 FLOOR CORE /117

Sep 16 at 05:31 AM

My lower back always feels so good after this class! It's perfect for when I'm short on time in the morning but, I need some movement to gently loosen up before getting the day going.

Commented on M/<30 SWEAT /75

Apr 08 at 05:36 AM

Wowza - finally redid this one and it really is a sweaty one! Reminded me of the OG full body workouts and I love it. Bookmarking this one for sure!

Commented on M/<45 HIPS + SEAT /61

Jan 20 at 04:53 AM

Iโ€™m so bummed I missed this live on the day but, I absolutely loved the words at the beginning. It was much needed to hear going into the final stretches of the 60 day holiday challenge.

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /45

Nov 26 at 07:26 AM

That straight leg series was killer. Had to pause a couple of times to make sure I was doing it right, will need to practice it again.