Yvonne Riley

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Commented on What each day brings

Jul 01 at 01:54 AM

I am so sorry for your loss Lisa. Sending love to you 🤍


Jun 19 at 12:36 PM

My 3 goals for this challenge are:

  1. Continue to remove expectations and workout in a way that is sustainable, modifying where necessary to ensure that I progress in the right direction.
  2. Begin to implement measures to be more mindful. Take my lunch break one day per week instead of eating in front of a screen and meditate once weekly.
  3. Practice gratitude. Write at least one thing daily to be thankful for. I chose this goal because I have noticed that, since caring, I experience a sense of foreboding joy too often.

Commented on Live Class Times

Feb 22 at 11:29 PM

10am on Wednesday. This is the earliest I can join as I don’t get home from work until 9:30am (5:30pm UK time). Anytime on Saturday.


Dec 03 at 03:14 PM

‘You don’t gotta move, you get to move’

After witnessing my Dad lose his ability to move with a neurological condition this mantra always inspires me keep going when I am finding it tough as it is a privilege to move.


Replied on Class Requests

Nov 19 at 05:08 AM

I second that !!! ❤️

Commented on Class Requests

Nov 19 at 05:05 AM

Themed class - Fam’s favourite movie songs 🎬🍿❤️

Nov 05 at 10:33 AM

Loved this class!!!! M/Body and the mat is definitely my 'sacred island' <3

Commented on Happy Challenge Day 1!

Oct 15 at 04:19 AM

Looking forward to the Challenge and hitting the mat with you and the Fam later!!! 😊❤️

Jun 18 at 01:18 PM

Thank you for sharing this class and providing the opportunity to join in and bring the energy from home ❤️

May 03 at 12:44 PM

I usually have to work out in the evening due to work commitments but benefitted from a day off and the opportunity to work out earlier when I find I have a greater range of movement. I found that this recovery flow enabled me to focus on alignment and energised me for the day - a perfect morning workout!