
Jan 07 at 01:34 PM

Jessica Gallagher thank you!!! Workout done for the day but I need to focus more on the extra activity which for me are always kind of hard. Hope your day is going well too!

Jan 07 at 01:32 PM

Liisa!!! So happy we are doing it together 😍have a good night my dear

Jan 07 at 12:11 AM

Hi Jessica!!that’s great!! I missed the live yesterday because I was travelling so for me it’s day one today, but I will do the class of day 2 (as the guide it’s supposed to start on saturday so it’s perfect for you). Happy you joined 😊

Jan 07 at 12:08 AM

Also, a 20 min meditation class focused on journaling would be great!

Jan 04 at 06:35 AM

Ballet sculpt, chair or floor classes (I like variety especially for the 45/60 minutes). Also, music theme classes (R&B, 80’s- 90’s music). Thanks!!


Jan 01 at 06:52 AM

Lindsey Jordan signature 74 is one of the best classes ever (Molly suggested it to me recently), and I love pride theme classes!!


Jan 01 at 05:15 AM

Happy birthday Molly 🤩🤩🤩

Dec 23 at 11:43 PM

Gwen I did some workouts with Marnie after 2021 lockdown, but the first year I was not consistent and I continued to do other workouts (mainly weight training and pilates with a PT). Since march ‘23 I have switched to Marnie’s only and I had incredible results (and that is only the physical part)!! So my suggestion is to stick with it 😃

Dec 21 at 10:44 AM

Wednesday works both hours for me, while it would be great at 9 on saturday (here in Italy it would be 6 pm). Thanks!!

Dec 21 at 10:42 AM

Welcome Gwen!! I had done pilates for years too before I switched to M/Body 😃