Stephanie Kipp Gooding

I am a twin. Mazel tov. Gets LOTS of rest!


Aug 20 at 06:33 AM

I will be taking three flights later on today. This class was the perfect way to prepare for a long day of travel.


Aug 20 at 06:30 AM

Pet loss is THE WORST! Please post update on how you are doing


Commented on Advice

Jul 15 at 07:54 AM

Same here. When Marnie does push ups, I hold an extended forearm plank which is a great way to build core strength. Donโ€™t be afraid to modify.

Commented on I did it!

Jul 15 at 07:51 AM

Welcome to Team Pixie. Itโ€™s great, get ready for lots of compliments

Jul 08 at 05:32 PM

This class was short and difficult and I loved it. I can see myself coming back to one again and again; itโ€™s perfect for when you need a quick workout. Marnie has started turning her back to the camera more often and that is really helpful for form.

Commented on What each day brings

Jun 29 at 01:24 PM

Pet loss is THE WORST. Take care of yourself

Commented on New Fur Fam Alert!

May 29 at 04:32 PM

Cheers to adopting in pairs! I was able to do that once and it was an instant family! May your adoption be equally blessed!

Commented on Tina

May 25 at 01:00 PM

Such a legend and role model

Commented on My child doing barre

May 23 at 04:12 PM

Gorgeous cat!