January 11, 2024


The word renew can mean to make like new or to restore what's been worn out. It can also mean resuming after a pause or break. Even more so, the word renewal can be defined as, "changing into something new and different, something better." 

When I first joined M/BODY in February of 2022, right after the Superbowl, I remember simply falling in love with this work. I just felt like it spoke to me- an instant connection. I was so excited and full of vibrancy day, after day. It was the coolest to meet others who loved celery and lemon juice too. To attend Q and A's feel so much love and support from women I've never met in person but felt very comfortable around. And to be cheerleaders for others makes my heart soar! It's something my soul will always cherish.  

Therefore, after a year filled with hardships, that I had to pause M/BODY for a bit, I am renewing my love for learning in this space. Going back to that phenomenal  February 2022, that made me even more so in love with dance, movement, and music, I am renewing that feeling and allowing it to grow into something new and different, and something better. 

Thank you M/BODY G-Fam and to the team especially, for the space to be honest, raw, and messy and yet still feeling beautiful in the midst of it.