October 19, 2023

Trigger warning - anesthesia-related trauma

Hi fam,
Gosh I miss being with you all at our lives!! I hope you’re all practicing some self care, hitting the mat when you can, and always being in the light. ❤️❤️ Can’t wait to be back together in November!!
I could really use some love tomorrow (Friday). I’m going to have my deviated septum fixed. It’s been a long time coming, and honestly the commitment I have made to my health through this incredible community has played a big role in me deciding to finally just get it done (that and hitting our deductible this year😉). It’s a pretty straightforward, outpatient procedure (although they do have to break my nose to fix the underlying problem!😵‍💫), but eight years ago, when my sweet mini Cassidy came into this world, I was under-anesthetized for an unplanned c-section. I’m sure you can imagine how traumatic that was, and it has made this feel like a reeeeeally big deal. Anyway, knowing that my fam is sending some love and light my way would mean so so much. I’m going to be away from the mat for a little while, but I have to say that the recent post with suggestions for avoiding inversions as well as the coming back from being sick suggestions are going to be my go-to as I continue healing! Feeling our entanglement. 💫
Love you all bunches and bunches!!xoxo