June 17, 2023
• Edited (Jun 17, 2023)

Sharing two photos from a week in Paradise Valley, MT! We went to Yellowstone NP, through Grand Teton NP, did a 2 hr guided horseback ride, got craft coffee in Bozeman, and ate some good stuff!

Also, as a quasi step mom (50% of the time), this trip was rough in spots. I remember being a kid and complaining about the drive and the “are we there yet?!” questions every 15 mins, but we didnt have devices and near constant cell service. For the last 5 hrs of this trip I had no more patience, I had “ungrateful punks” in my head, I had zero capacity to answer questions. When we returned, I told my boyfriend I’m never doing that again and cried. (I’m okay today!) To everyone who is a parent, you are amazing and saintly and your kids will appreciate you more and more as they age.

ANYWAY. So ready for the challenge and some recentering and the love of this community!