July 17, 2023

Hi famโ€ฆ this past weekend was one of the toughest of my life. I flew home to be with one of my oldest friends during the funeral of her husband. He died tragically on July 4th after rescuing some kiddos on a tube and ended up drowning ๐Ÿ’” It has shaken me to my core. My friend is not yet 40 with 3 small children. The funeral was tough but also cathartic- this man was so incredible with SUCH a positive attitude on life! Itโ€™s inspiring! Wanted to share some of his words that have resonated very deeply with me.

As a survivor of the 61st floor of tower 2 on 9/11 he later wrote

โ€œI encourage all of us to count our blessings each and every day. Give of yourself and expect nothing in return. And become part of something that is greater than yourself.โ€

I feel we embody all of these things here on this platform and I plan to embrace his words and those ideas even more moving forward. Life is precious. This experience for me is an urgent call to love hard. โฃ๏ธ