August 11

It’s been a wild week y’all! Visited my bestie & godson last week for an epic vacation on the East coast… it ended in not a such great way and now my bestie & godson have relocated back to my home town. There has been so much up in the air and a great deal of stress but through it all I’ve truly channeled all things M/body finding the positives in the situation ✨ My workouts have helped me decompress and focus on myself for a bit each day and I’m so grateful for that 💪 I’m going into this next week super optimistic and ready for whatever comes along- good and bad!! My bestie has been a rockstar super momma totally focused on what’s best for her son and I’m REALLY proud of her🥹 Anyway, thanks for this space to share/ unload! I don’t know what I’d do without it🥰