February 04

I have endometrosis and I can have days of feeling not so great with cramping, pelvic pain, bloating, and fatigue. Today, was one of those days and I was struggling to decide if a workout would diminish or exacerbate symptoms. I was looking through the catalog feeling unsure of what would be best - low impact, bouncy and energizing, targeted workout, etc. I am sure many of you have felt this way that you arenโ€™t sure what your body is craving some days. Will this workout serve me or should I have chosen a different session? Well, I chose the new chair dance- 30 min session and it was exactly what I needed! My pelvic discomfort lessened and I felt a sense of relief throughout of my body. Donโ€™t you just love when you choose a session that is exactly what you needed in that moment?!
I appreciate this group and the good positive energy you all exude.