Hi fam!! How are you all doing? I just did the Barre session from Saturday and wow, this felt so challenging. Next week I am going back to Germany because of my new job and I am experiencing so many different emotions.. I am happy and excited to be back in Europe, since I wasn’t able to find my place in Mexico. But also I have to leave my boyfriend here, who‘s work contract is for another year and it’s really hard, since I don’t want to live in a different place than him, but still I know this is the right decision for my career and my wellbeing. So yeah, all of this emotional chaos is taking up so much of my energy, so I am really proud I didn’t quit on the session and felt instantly better afterwards. 🤩 Also, I won one free month from the challenge and that made me sooo happy!! I didn’t expect it all and it motivated me to use this next month even more!! Thank you Marnie and the whole team and the whole globalfam 💜 this community is the best thing 💜