April 29, 2023

I’m turning 40 in June and have been on a two year process in self-love and healing. (Actually this journey has been life-long, let’s be real.) This has included exercise (of course) but in the last few months I’ve explored some breath work and am returning to journaling.

Today, in anticipation of the live, I journaled about my body and my experience with M/Body. How healing the work has been, how aligned it is w my entire journey to self-love, down to the balancing of masculine and feminine energy and the protective circle of energy we make around ourselves at the end of each class. The workouts help clear and quiet my mind, make me feel strong, and are helping to heal decades of disconnect from my body.

I am working towards being excited about this new chapter. (Gulp.) Knowing I am going into it stronger, in part thanks to Marnie and M/Body.