June 19, 2023

Happy Day 3 challengers. This time around I have a laundry list of ideas or habits that aren’t serving me. This is the perfect time of year to shrug those off and usher in thoughts that better serve me. Some highlights: letting go of the fear of being alone, letting go of internalizing others’ stress/struggles and making it my burden (at home or mostly at work). Ushering in: taking a moment before I react (taking away the anxiety to respond immediately), commitment to be more present in the breathwork (not thinking of what’s next on my to-do list), seeking out more opportunities to be in the light for >10 minutes first thing in the morning, read more/scroll less.

My goals are simple (but not easy):

  1. Be consistent 2. Be present 3. Be patient with myself (the caterpillar did not become a butterfly overnight)