January 03

Happy New Year, beautiful fam!๐ŸŽ‰ Hope you are all well! I've been absent from social and out of touch for a bit but please know that I've missed you all. Seeing everyone on the chat during our live classes is so uplifting and inspiring!

Marnie's words today about ebbing & flowing really speak to some of my inconsistency lately in getting to the mat. I feel like a broken record, but also as Marnie said today, "try and try and try and try again"!

Following my Dad's passing this summer, I experienced a level of grief that I've never encountered before. To balance that with work, life, raising three boys, I've given myself grace - possibly too much grace... That, in addition to joys of perimenopause, have led to feeling pretty uncomfortable in my body, so the theme of RENEWAL really resonates right now. It's time to prioritize wellness and consistency, especially as I have a BIG milestone birthday coming up! I want to feel good - mind body & spirit - as I move into a new decade.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I've missed you all and am so grateful I can connect with all of you here. (Also grateful for any positive vibes for momentum and consistency!) Happy New Year! Wishing you all love, health and happiness.โค๏ธ