October 01, 2022

Hi everyone! Today was my first live with Marnie and I wanted to share my personal experience. I discovered Marnie on YouTube in January during one of the most difficult and transformative times in my life. I was going through a divorce figuring out finances and juggling an internship, a full time job, and part time schooling. It was an intense time for me. I wanted to sign up for M/Body, but couldn't due to finances at the time. So I watched Marnies YouTube videos over and over for 9 months because I'm in love with Barre and I can honestly say Marnie feels like a best friend to me at this point as she was always there with me on the screen during my dark times! Ive also never found a work out style and instructor that resonates with me so much. ๐Ÿ˜ I promised myself that once I was able to sell my house with my ex husband that I would officially sign up with M/Body. Guess what? The house is under contract and I officially signed up to be part of the M/Body community! I cried so much during the live today because I'm letting go of almost everything I know and stepping into a new chapter, and to be able to join Marnie in real life meant that I made it through this difficult year! The gratitude I feel is overwhelming. I just want everyone to know that you never know the impact you are making on people. Marnie doesn't know me personally but she's made a monumental impact on my life! I hope with all my heart she sees this message. ๐Ÿฅฐ Even just smiling at someone while passing them in a store can change their day, their outlook, maybe even their life! I look forward to being in this community with you all!!! Cheers to all that we are letting go of, and our new beginnings! ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŽƒ