March 13, 2023

Had a great moment with my 9 year old while hiking the Grand Canyon today 💙 If you ever get the chance to visit DO IT!! We both had our phones out taking pictures along the way- his phone isn’t actually a phone but he’s able to take photos on it. I told him to get the photos but also take time to just ENJOY the beauty around us!! We saw so many people putting themselves in horribly dangerous situations out on cliffs for “the Insta shot “ I’m personally not a fan of social media because of these situations- among other things! But I verbalize my sentiments towards social media and my son asked “Well Mommy what about Marnie’s social media you do?” So I explained to him that Marnie created our very own special space that only we can go as part of the M/Body fam… he replied “Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense! I like that!” Smart guy😊 Anyway felt proud of this community and how much it’s always an impact on my life even when I’m not on the mat ❣️💪✨