June 19, 2023

Yay summer challenge!

My goals for this challenge:

  1. Each day do some form of meditation, even just paying attention to my breath. I need more calm in my life and slowing down is harder for me. So maybe just some slowing down all around would be good.

  2. Complete 60 days of the challenge but to be kind to myself and listen to my body, being flexible with myself and not always doing impact because my mind says โ€œitโ€™s betterโ€ or doing a shorter workout if thatโ€™s what my body needs. Resting on actual rest days.

  3. Being intentional about seeing good things, calm things, peaceful things, funny things, and living in those moments.

I enjoy the benefits of all M/body does for my body and Iโ€™m going to be more mindful of what I let it offer my mind and heart. โค๏ธ Much love fam!!