August 22, 2023

Hi everyone! I wanted to share with you that I had to have a hysterectomy surgery yesterday due to extremely painful menstruatuon cycles from uterine growths and I also have C.I.R.S. (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) so I was worried about surgery that it would set off more pain. I did Marnie’s Barbie barre 60 minute class the day before which was AMAZING and then the morning before surgery I did the gratitude meditation, really tuning into my body. Then the hospital let me listen to a meditation affirmation CD during surgery which I think massively helped. If anyone has an upcoming surgery I highly recommend Peggy Huddleston’s book, “Prepare for Surgery Heal Faster.” This photo is before surgery( the after is much more fatigued)… but I’m doing so much better than I thought! Will be with you all in spirit while I heal and can’t wait to dance again soon!! Lots of love to all 🩷