Melissa Fortnash


May 17 at 06:33 AM

Victoria gave me the idea to start sharing Marnie’s closing meditations as journal prompts. Today, I did /143 and the prompt was:

“you can rise from anything. You’re not stuck. Nothings permanent. All that matters is you decide to do it. Decide to do it today. Never look back. Is there something that comes into your heart or into your thoughts that you could shrug off in this next exhale?”

I’m shrugging off control. Releasing expectations. I’m a Scorpio and I really felt the energy from Sunday’s full super flower moon lunar eclipse. I want to stay in that energy of releasing to make space for the new and beautiful things to come my way ❤️



May 03 at 06:53 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3


I’ve participated in all of the M/body challenges, but this was the first one where I didn’t feel like I was at war with my body. I felt an intensive on how to create a better relationship with my body. And after these 60 days, I can definitely tell you that our communication is much stronger, and our relationship is much healthier ❤️ This has been so amazing.



Apr 02 at 03:06 PM

Crying. Crying is beautiful.

This is me crying on my way home from work after the way I was treated today. I felt so unvalued, unappreciated, and like I didn’t matter. Like I wasn’t good enough. I sat with this for a bit and ugly cried until I was able to come back to myself. I turned inward and focused on my breathing. I placed a hand on my heart (and the other on the wheel) and repeated to myself “you are seen, you are loved, you are valuable, the work you do matters, I am good enough” over and over with each inhale and exhale.

We don’t talk about it enough but there’s so much beauty in raw, real emotion. I actually said that my emotions were my super powers earlier in the week! I like to think that feelings are like the colors, and I pride myself in living my life in ultra violet; all the way alive 💜



Mar 26 at 11:56 AM

Hi fam! I loved being able to see everyone and where they were from in the fam video 🥰 and happy 2 year anniversary to Marnie, Danni, and the whole M/body team once again!

This season, I’m letting go of perfection/control. This is something I continually have to let go of, especially with my eating disorder. Ed tells me I have to “eat perfectly” and that’s just not a thing. Ed tells me I have to “move my body perfectly/take control of my body” and that’s not how I want to live. My body wants to move freely, without restrictions or manipulation. I intent to listen to and just surrender to my body’s needs.



Mar 20 at 04:37 PM

3 things I’m grateful for this week:

  1. My dog (Tater Tot)

  2. Mac n cheese

  3. My strength



Mar 12 at 03:49 AM

Good morning fam!! So bummed I’ll be missing todays live because I’ll be on set with Rain Paris all day! Marnie, maybe throw one of her songs in the mix for me since I can’t be there? Love y’all! 😍