Meena Khan


Dec 11 at 02:28 PM

Hi Everyone! I completed my third board. I completed 16 classes. I also did the activities except for celery juice because it is hard for my tummy. I add spinach to my smoothie to get the vegetable content. I will post on IG because the image is cut off.



Dec 11 at 02:25 PM

Hi! Attached is my second board. I completed 15 of the classes. I will post on IG because a part of it is cut off. The community support buoyed me. Thank you.

Dec 11 at 02:23 PM



Dec 11 at 09:06 AM

Hi Everyone! I committed to the 45 challenge. I am posting my first board. I completed 18 classes. Thanks for all of your support. Unfortunately part of the image is cut off. I will post on IG too. ❤️


Dec 08 at 08:19 AM

Hi! I am sending you good vibes. It will be okay. ❤️❤️

Replied on Posts?

Dec 07 at 11:47 AM



Dec 05 at 06:26 PM

Hi Danni! I hope that all is well. Where do I post my challenge boards, please? Thanks!


Replied on My mantra

Dec 04 at 02:45 PM



Dec 04 at 08:16 AM

Hi! I just completed class 241. My mantra is an oldie and a Goldie: Veni, vidi, vici. Best wishes to everyone for the remaining days of the challenge😊


Nov 30 at 07:31 PM

Hi! There are habit hacks on the website. They are designed for 21 days.