Meena Khan

Commented on Class Requests

Oct 31 at 02:46 PM

Hi! I would like to focus on the joints. It gets cold in Montreal and I hate sounding like a new bag of chips being crushed by an elephant’s butt cheek each time I get up. Thanks!

Commented on Class Requests

Oct 31 at 02:46 PM

Hi! I would like to focus on the joints. It gets cold in Montreal and I hate sounding like a new bag of chips being crushed by an elephant’s butt cheek each time I get up. Thanks!

Commented on Class Requests

Oct 31 at 02:46 PM

Hi! I would like to focus on the joints. It gets cold in Montreal and I hate sounding like a new bag of chips being crushed by an elephant’s butt cheek each time I get up. Thanks!

Replied on I need a new towel!

Oct 28 at 07:59 AM

Hi! Thanks so much! Your kind words made my day! Best wishes for your challenge.

Oct 26 at 06:23 AM

Hi! Thanks so much. I think it is important to frame anxiety as one does a physical ailment do that we focus on cures and management rather than judgment.

Commented on I need a new towel!

Oct 24 at 02:03 PM


Commented on Suggestions please!

Oct 23 at 02:52 PM

Hi! Rest is as important as working out. Please only start to think of classes when your body is completely ready. Fitness is a lifelong endeavour. Perhaps breathing exercises and leisurely walks can help you ease into a routine. Get well soon!

Replied on I did class 227!

Oct 20 at 04:35 PM

Thanks so much!

Oct 20 at 04:34 PM

Hi! I think it is smart that you expressed your fear because it reduces the size of the fear. When I am scared, I focus on the end result and the rest just starts to fade. Can you focus on the positive points of your destination to help lessen the anxiety? Sending you cloud-filled thoughts. 🤗

Replied on I did class 227!

Oct 19 at 07:48 PM
