Meena Khan

Commented on Suggestion

Jan 22 at 04:50 PM

Thanks so much! I find that a short term challenge is easier for my schedule and my anxiety. Regarding the latter, I work hard to not let the future blight my present. If a challenge is short term then I am focussed on the classes rather than counting the days and fretting if I miss a day. Thanks!
Hi! I like this mini challenge. It is compact, convenient and fun! At the start of the year while I gather myself for a new year, this quick guidance is deeply appreciated.

Dec 16 at 06:58 PM

Hi! So sorry to read this news. I hope the hacker gets a lump of coal for Xmas!

Dec 13 at 08:07 PM

Thanks so much!

Dec 13 at 08:07 PM

Thanks so much!

Dec 11 at 08:28 PM

Thanks so much! An important element in my success was the community’s kindness. Posts like your’s buoyed me when I just wanted to eat chips. I hope that your challenge ys going well.

Commented on Posts?

Dec 11 at 02:35 PM

Hi! I just submitted my boards on IG DM. Thanks!

Dec 11 at 02:23 PM
