
Youngstown, OH, United States

Replied on Making it through

Aug 13 at 06:46 PM

It is amazing

Replied on Making it through

Aug 13 at 06:46 PM

So already you!!

Aug 13 at 04:49 AM

So precious


Aug 12 at 10:59 AM

What a work out!! Great way to gear up for our wedding anniversary. 17 years!!!!


Commented on Making it through

Aug 11 at 09:17 AM

Thanks guys!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š โค๏ธ


Aug 10 at 10:57 AM

I am so grateful for this platform. It helps me to keep on going with my workouts. The scale is not my friend but through this practice I know that doesn't matter. I can see muscular changes because of what Marnie teaches. I have learned so much and continue to in ways I never had. I have been an athlete for years and never knew someone this information. I have been battling hip injuries and issues for 2 and a half years but staying consistent with M/body has helped me gain strength and mobility I lost. I can do things now that I was unable to do for a long time. It gives me growing hope. Thank you to this wonderful group and platform. Thank you Marnie for keeping this going and growing. So much love โค๏ธ Leslie


Jul 19 at 02:26 PM

Fire!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ OH man this was EPIC!!! Thank you Marnie. This kicked my ass!!

Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Jul 17 at 01:47 PM

Oh my gosh!!!! I love this so much!!! I so needed this. My first workout back in a week. This hit every target. Thank you Marnie!!!

Jul 05 at 03:41 PM

This is my ne favorite 30 min!!! Great sweat, sore arms, feeling the fire!!! Thanks Marnie


May 03 at 04:40 AM

When you are having a rough day and got bad news, what do you do? You hug your puppy. Sharing some love of the fur baby and my baby for anyone else who needs a hug.