Sowanny Mooney

Austin, TX, United States

Commented on Down But Not Out

Dec 05 at 05:32 PM

Aw Marisol, I’m so sorry you are dealing with a stress fracture! My husband actually recently recovered from one in his ankle from running. The thing that really helped him was cutting out alcohol and increasing calcium intake during his period in a boot. I hope you feel better soon ❤️

Commented on Mantras and a photo

Dec 05 at 11:10 AM

Aw yay! What’s a sweet photo of you two.

Nov 30 at 05:10 AM

As Amanda commented below, I also struggle with meditations and have only felt safe enough to let go under Marnie's guidance. Anxiety is something I've never formally acknowledged that I deal with but, I'm amazed at how at ease I feel typing this after finishing the class. My goal is to incorporate this true stillness into my daily routine going forward. Thank you for this and I hope we have more meditation classes in the future.

Commented on Thanks, fam!

Nov 22 at 06:56 AM

Sending you and the Colorado Springs community so much ❤️ I’m so sorry you continue to feel the burden of working in a thankless and emotionally draining environment. I wish you so much luck in finding a new job that’s more fulfilling!

Nov 19 at 07:23 AM

I totally emphasize with you Jessica! I hope you take care of yourself and know that your body will be able to bounce back in no time. Marnie sent me a sweet DM about how life can have detours and that we should always embrace them 💕

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /4

Nov 17 at 05:50 AM

I haven't done this class in at least a few months and found myself craving more violet energy today. The message at the end of always being able to come home to yourself and give permission to rest is so powerful. Throughout all the seasons of life and change, this particular workout is so incredibly grounding and comforting.

Commented on Class Requests

Nov 16 at 09:09 AM

Another version of the OG M<20 legs class!

Nov 15 at 02:22 PM

Thank you for your help ❤️

Replied on Class Requests

Nov 01 at 08:11 AM

I agree Whitney! More 45 min classes per week works better for me than 60 most of the time

Replied on Small World!

Oct 28 at 07:48 AM

I’m in Austin! 😊 if you’re ever visiting please let me know, I would love to meet up!