Molly Mandell

Dec 08 at 02:32 AM

Sending so much love - hang in there mama! ❤️❤️❤️


Dec 04 at 06:38 AM

“It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re going in the wrong direction. And it doesn’t matter how slow you’re going if you’re going in the right one.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Dec 01 at 03:45 PM

There has never been a greater workout! Mic drop.

Nov 28 at 02:26 AM

Love you so much Faith! We are always here for you.

Nov 24 at 07:22 AM

Third Planksgiving in the books and loved every second! Loved the cardio, and the quick spurts of planks. xoxox

Nov 07 at 04:47 PM

Happy anni!

Nov 07 at 04:46 PM


Commented on Class Requests

Nov 01 at 10:24 AM

Love the idea of a dance heavy class!

Commented on Swifties Unite

Oct 28 at 12:16 PM

OMG!!!! So. Much. Fun. I can’t wait!!!!!!

Commented on Back on the mat

Oct 20 at 02:30 AM

Welcome back and congrats!!!