Kelli Carmichael

Jun 25 at 12:37 PM

Thank you for that! 💗I feel anything but alone here.

Jun 25 at 12:36 PM

Thank you! It’s amazing how much faster I’ve been able to heal this time just by being open. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and wishes!

Jun 23 at 06:42 AM

Thank you for that reminder! It was one of those hormone swing days, and I was so glad I could counteract it with moving my body. I’m so sorry for your loss and admire you for being so open about your experience. Sending light to you, as well.

Jun 23 at 06:40 AM

Thank you for your kind words. I’m blown away by the support!

Jun 23 at 06:38 AM

You are amazing for making any time for workouts with a little one—I wasn’t able to with mine since she refused a carrier and preferred contact naps. You are incredible, mama! And your little one is perfect. 😍

Jun 22 at 04:50 PM

Thank you for that reminder. I’m so grateful for kind words and support.

Jun 22 at 04:43 PM

Thank you so much. I’m blown away by the support in this community. 💗

Jun 22 at 04:43 PM

Thank you for your kindness. I am feeling the love and light today. 💗

Jun 22 at 04:41 PM

Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you’re doing okay. I can’t imagine the due date was an easy day. You’re in my heart, as well, dear friend.