April 02, 2022

Crying. Crying is beautiful.

This is me crying on my way home from work after the way I was treated today. I felt so unvalued, unappreciated, and like I didn’t matter. Like I wasn’t good enough. I sat with this for a bit and ugly cried until I was able to come back to myself. I turned inward and focused on my breathing. I placed a hand on my heart (and the other on the wheel) and repeated to myself “you are seen, you are loved, you are valuable, the work you do matters, I am good enough” over and over with each inhale and exhale.

We don’t talk about it enough but there’s so much beauty in raw, real emotion. I actually said that my emotions were my super powers earlier in the week! I like to think that feelings are like the colors, and I pride myself in living my life in ultra violet; all the way alive 💜