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August 14, 2023

Hi everyone! I am so proud to be able to post this. Through all that has happened in the past two months (graduating from McGill, finishing my last internship, moving out of my parentsโ€™ house, being in a legal procedure, quitting my summer job, my mom leaving my dad, etc.), I have been able to achieve my goal of doing 30 days of this challenge. Even more, I did 31 days, which makes me super happy. Thank you to everyone of you for your love and support which have contributed immensely to my motivation and success in this journey. Tomorrow, Iโ€™ll be starting the 20 day of well-being guide if anyone is lost and wants to join me! Congrats to all challengers, whether you achieved your goal or not for whatever reason, we love you and we are proud of you. We can do hard things! Canโ€™t wait to celebrate with all of you!