Emily Jeffers

Aug 09 at 11:38 AM

I aam trying to do more stretch classes. Especially before bed. Really helps with sleep ❤️


Aug 07 at 11:13 AM

Missed this one live. Sending you all a big hug now!


Jul 03 at 11:12 PM

Congratulations!Just finished dancers legs on a low mood week. Feeling grateful as well. Time to lighten and let go. Have a great anniversary workout and day! 😘


Jul 01 at 09:48 AM

Did this just before bed, on a night where I had some stressful stuff the next day and I was worrying about sleeping. Wow, I slept! I find it hard to prioritise the stretch classes, hard to get to the mat when I'm anxious, but if anyone is feeling anxious and hesitating over this one - do it 😍 Thank you marnie. Love the way the range of classes mean there is always a way to move through.

Jun 14 at 06:04 AM

In my experience knee issues often come from the hip above being tight so the leg is out of alignment when you exercise. I try to release through my hip as I exercise. Marnie also has lots of hip stretching sequences you can mix into your workout schedule. I also pop on trainers as first step if I am having any pain in my knees. Good luck 😘

Jun 09 at 06:40 AM

Welcome ❤️


Jun 08 at 05:56 AM

To everyone thank you so much for your love and healing thoughts. The doctors have cleared me to exercise again - sooner than expected so that’s excellent news. I wobbled my way through the New Years detox 30 minute today. Dedicated to everyone coming back from injury and challenges of whatever kind. I see you 😘


Jun 02 at 09:59 AM

Thanks Julia. I’m going to give that a try. Would be really nice to just have a little M/BODY glow in my cheeks right now ☺️

Jun 01 at 01:50 AM

*Normal walking not normal working. No working so a lot (too much!) of time on my hands!!!

Jun 01 at 01:44 AM

So inspiring xxx