Jenny Groener

Commented on M/<20 CARDIO CORE /367

Apr 10 at 01:01 PM

Please try this class. It's got some super fun new moves and a lot of wiggles and a lot of joy! Closing meditation was grounded and (e)m/powering. xo


Apr 08 at 05:30 PM

This is a gem of a class: all standing (except for end of class stretch), loads of sweating. Woo.

Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /366

Apr 06 at 12:09 PM

What a delightful class! Classic signature with a little bit of everything, just a wee bit shorter than a 60 (lol). Loved the floor leg work with the ball. Excellent soundtrack, natch. Wore my Cowboy Carter shirt the whole time (I'll post my sweaty selfie to the board in a bit). xo


Apr 05 at 08:45 AM

Update: kept the ball behind my knee! Now I just need to work on keeping the ball between my chest and knee during the standing portionย ๐Ÿ‘ Great great class.


Apr 03 at 04:29 PM

Echoing everything Annie K said below and I'm so glad I got to do this today. First time using gliders, in the kitchen with the stove as my barre. It was perfection.ย 

Mar 31 at 01:54 PM

Tried out my 8lb weight today! Had to modify on my left side with a 5ย  sometimes but for the most part, yay! Went slower today and it felt so good. I am grateful as always for you, your vision and knowledge and kindness and for this community.

Mar 30 at 09:31 AM

Per tradition, did this class this morning because I am missing a very important live on 3/30/24 - the 4 year anniversary!!!!ย  - and it always makes me feel really good and grounded and teaches me to open up and let go. xo

Mar 29 at 07:05 AM

The leg moves on the floor with the ball behind the knee (or without if it skittered away mid move)? Priceless!

Mar 26 at 09:22 AM


Mar 24 at 01:53 PM
