June 12, 2023

During our barre series in a 60 min signature Marnie brought up, "with challenge comes change." 

Maybe it's not the challenge that one is afraid of but the change... challenge is logical, practical, and it makes sense. You can work towards it, build up to it, and practice it. But the change symbolizes something greater, it can be emotional... 

Who am I on the other side of challenge? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do I accomplish it? Is okay to not be the same if I meet that challenge? Will I be okay, is this type of change good, true, and respectful to my body? What would it mean? Because life has meaning,  I mean something... my life has meaning. 

Maybe I'll meet who I'm meant to become on the other side of challenge... A version of me that faces fear with grace...that recognizes the fear but chooses to not be afraid because truth and love guide the way. 

I know my body can complete those last 4 sets of 8, but it challenges my mind & emotions to break old habits and accept the truth that I can do this with grace. Maybe that's the change we shall find when we meet a challenge we understand we are capable of.

Love Jessi G. ❤️